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Pastor/Shepherd for Deaf Church

Description The work of elder/shepherd/pastor is clearly defined in 1 Timothy 3:1-7,  2 Timothy 2:15, and Titus 1:5-9.  These descriptions and qualifications are essential for all pastors. Because of the unique culture and learning styles and preferences of Deaf people,a pastor/shepherd of a Deaf Church must not only meet these biblical requirements, he must be […]

Minister of Senior Adults

MINISTER OF OLDER (SENIOR) ADULTS  Minister/Director of Older Adult Ministries Description  Think of ministry with senior adults. What thoughts come to mind? Did you think of potlucks, bus trips to Branson, Missouri, monthly fellowship luncheons, and nursing home visits? Hold on to that HurryCane walker; I have news for you!  Senior Adult ministry is in […]

 Women’s Ministry

Description  The work of a minister to women is significant to the local church since more than half of any congregation is comprised of women. Jesus regarded women as significant partners in the Gospel and so should the local church. Not only should women in this position have a deep and abiding personal relationship with […]

Children’s Minister

Description  The professional position of a preschool and/or children’s minister is a multi-faceted opportunity. In some churches this position will be set up for a professional minister to lead out in all ministries to children and their families from birth to 5th or 6th grade. In some other churches the scope of the position will […]

Minister of Music & Worship

Description  The primary ministry goals of the Worship Pastor are to connect all people to their Savior, Jesus Christ, through worship and to help them more fully realize their purpose for creation: to glorify God.  The Worship Pastor promotes intentional experiences for the body of Christ to engage in heartfelt, meaningful praise and worship in […]

Executive Pastor

Overall Description The work of the Executive Pastor is significant in the life of the church and to the support of the Lead Pastor. A Pastor seeks to call a man to work alongside him that he trusts and knows can fulfill the various responsibilities and demands of the position. The Executive Pastor must be […]

Minister of Missions

Description  Jesus’ final charge to the church was to be witnesses and make disciples in their cities, regions, and to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:19-20).  Missions Ministers have the privilege of leading a congregation in evangelism and disciple-making to those outside of the ordinary reach of a local church.   A […]

 Discipleship Pastor 

Description  The work of a Discipleship Pastor is significant to the development of and ministry in any New Testament Church. Churches employ a discipleship pastor to guide the church in developing and maintaining a comprehensive strategy as well as enlist and equip disciple making leaders.  The Discipleship Pastor must respect the position and responsibility of […]

Missionary (Journeymen)

IMB Journeymen are team members that are young adults under the age of 30 who are sent by their church as missionaries for a 2 year term through the IMB. They are a vital part IMB missionary teams all over the world. Serving as a Journeyman allows young adults to both be on mission and […]

Missionary (International)

For more information: Position Description Team Members are missionaries who are fully funded by the IMB. As fully-funded missionaries, Team Members’ primary responsibility is to engage in the missionary task as a vital part of an IMB missionary team. Team Members are considered IMB employees and, as a result, receive full benefits and services. […]