Christian Counselor

Description The Bible refers to a counselor or counsel 119 times and presents Jesus as the Wonderful Counselor. Counseling, especially for the Christian, is all about a hopeful journey to change. A Christian counselor approaches each counseling session from a Biblical, faith-based understanding of life. The issues a client might present run the range of […]
Bible Translation

Description A Bible translator works in a cross-cultural context to facilitate the translation of the Word of God into the heart language of a local people. The goal of every Bible translation project is to produce a translation that is clear, accurate, natural, and acceptable to the people for whom it is translated. In order […]
Minister of Youth/Students

Description A minister of students (Youth Pastor) has the responsibility to plan and coordinate everything a local church does to minister to students and their parents. The age range for student ministry usually starts during the 6th or 7th grade (depending on the church) and continues through the student’s senior year (12th grade). Depending on […]

Description As the title implies, a pastor is a shepherd. Just as a shepherd cares for the flock under his care, so a pastor cares for the flock or people of God over which the Holy Spirit has placed him (Acts 20:28). It is a position of great responsibility with moments of joy and sorrow […]
Church Business Administration

Description The work of a church business administrator (CBA) is to manage the administrative and business affairs of a local church. As churches continue to grow, someone needs to oversee and coordinate the many operational areas of a church. Just as the early church in Acts 6 selected deacons to relieve the apostles of some […]
Christian Educator/Professor

Description: In his letter to the Colossians, Paul writes, “We proclaim him (Jesus), admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ” (1:28). The phrase “with all wisdom,” makes it clear that teaching alone is not enough. Christian educators are not simply tasked to teach, […]
Minister of Education

Description The work of a minister of education is significant to the development of and ministry in any New Testament Church. Churches employ a minister of education to aid the pastor in meeting educational needs; to improve the standard of teaching; to lead in evangelistic outreach and train leaders within the congregation. The minister of […]